June 6, 2015

Can You Sue Your Lender After Foreclosure?

Your lender has gotten a foreclosure judgment against you, and you’re mad. You want to force the mortgage company to work something out with you. You want to stop your home from being sold. So you file a lawsuit against the lender. You accuse it of violating laws and unjustly depriving you of your property. […]

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June 1, 2015

¿Puede usted perder su casa si su propietario no paga su hipoteca?

Si alguna vez ha alquilado un apartamento, podría haber tenido un compañero de cuarto problemático. Se trata de la persona que firma el contrato de arrendamiento, pero nunca le alcanza para la renta mensual. O que desaparece por completo. Los compañeros de cuarto problemáticos no causan gracia. Y la situación puede empeorar aún más si […]

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May 27, 2015

Can You Lose Your Home if Your Co-Owner Doesn’t Pay His Mortgage?

If you’ve ever rented an apartment, you may have had the problem roommate. That’s the one who signs the lease but then can never quite come up with the monthly rent. Or who disappears altogether. Problem roommates are no fun. And the situation can get even worse if you buy a house with someone who […]

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May 22, 2015

¿Quiere Vender? Tenga Cuidado cuando Elija a su Corredor de Bienes Raíces

Todo el mundo tiene una historia acerca de un espantoso agente inmobiliario, pero aquí le presentamos una que supera a todas las demás. Se trata de un hombre que estaba pasando por una ejecución hipotecaria y un corredor de bienes raíces que estaba dispuesto a recurrir a la falsificación con tal de vender. Es una […]

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May 17, 2015

Selling Your Home? Take Care Choosing a Real Estate Broker

Everyone has a story about a terrible real estate agent. But here’s one that tops them all. It involves a man who was facing foreclosure and a real estate broker who was willing to resort to forgery to make a sale. It’s a lesson in “buyer beware” when choosing a real estate professional. In the […]

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May 12, 2015

Hacer Caso Omiso a las Órdenes Judiciales es Riesgoso

Puede resultar abrumador que su casa termine siendo sometida a una ejecución hipotecaria. Para defenderse ante un caso de este tipo, usted debe responder a los alegatos de la Corte y seguir procedimientos que apenas puede comprender. Si no responde en absoluto a la demanda, el Banco obtendrá una sentencia contra usted y probablemente pierda […]

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May 7, 2015

Ignoring Court Orders Is Risky Business In Foreclosure Case

Having your home go into foreclosure can be overwhelming. To defend a foreclosure case, you must respond to court pleadings and follow procedures that you may barely understand.  However, responding pro se (without an attorney) may inadvertently speed up the process.   It’s a very difficult situation because failing to respond to the initial complaint will […]

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May 2, 2015

¿Nunca Recibió una Carta de Incumplimiento? Entonces, Podría Tener una Defensa contra la Ejecución Hipotecaria

Antes de que su prestamista pueda ejecutar la hipoteca de su casa de la Florida, debe enviarle una carta de advertencia. Esta carta, conocida como carta de incumplimiento o notificación de intención para acelerar, informa al prestatario que la hipoteca está en mora. Explica cuánto dinero usted debe pagar para poner su hipoteca al día. […]

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April 27, 2015

Never Got a Default Letter? You Have a Defense to Foreclosure

Before your lender can foreclose on your Florida home, it must send you a warning letter. This letter, known as a default letter or a notice of intent to accelerate, tells a borrower that the mortgage is in default. It explains how much money you must pay to bring your mortgage up to date. It […]

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February 3, 2015

Congress Extends Mortgage (Debt) Forgiveness Relief Act

Millions of Americans exhaled a collective sigh of relief when the Mortgage (Debt) Forgiveness Relief Act. The Act was extended for another year and applied retroactively from December 2013 through December 2014. The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act provides a critical exemption to taxable income that banks attribute to borrowers after a successful foreclosure settlement […]

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