Category Archives: Foreclosure

October 16, 2015

El programa de modificación de vivienda asequible (HAMP)

HAMP es un programa federal diseñado para ayudar a evitar la ejecución hipotecaria de propietarios que luchan por modificar sus préstamos a una cantidad más asequible que sea sostenible a largo plazo. El programa es muy clara y sencilla para el prestatario, el prestamista y el agente de servicio. Información sobre HAMP y el Programa […]

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October 8, 2015

Escrow: What is it and how can it affect my foreclosure case?

An escrow account is a part of virtually every real estate transaction in the state of Florida. In real estate transactions, the word escrow can mean several different things. When you are buying a home from a third party, you most likely wrote an ‘escrow’ check that was held by a neutral third party while […]

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October 5, 2015

La Ley de Alivio Civil Uniformados

La Ley de Alivio Civil uniformados (CERA) en el año 2003 se convirtió en ley el 19 de diciembre de 2003, y se codifica como 50 U. S. C. App. 501. La ley protege a los miembros del Ejército, la Armada, la Fuerza Aérea, la Infantería de Marina y la Guardia Costera, incluidos los miembros […]

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October 2, 2015

La exclusión Anuncio de Venta – ¿Cuáles son los requisitos?

Tras la última sentencia, el tribunal normalmente fijado una fecha para la venta que no podrá ser inferior a 20 días o más de 35 días después de la fecha de la sentencia. Sin embargo, la venta puede ser detenido durante más de 35 días después de la fecha de la sentencia definitiva si el […]

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September 28, 2015

Foreclosure Notice of Sale – What are the Requirements?

After final judgment is entered, the court will usually set a sale date that may not be less than 20 days or more than 35 days after the date of judgment. However, a sale may be held more than 35 days after the date of final judgment if the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney agrees to […]

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September 23, 2015

¿Qué es Hipoteca Sistemas Electrónicos de Registro, Inc. ?

Hipoteca Registro Electrónico, Inc. (MERS en Ingles) es una empresa privada que se ha creado a partir de la industria bancaria de hipotecas con el fin de mantener una base de datos con la que se realiza mantenimiento derechos y propiedad de las hipotecas para sus miembros. Los miembros de los tipos por lo general […]

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September 21, 2015

Writ of Possession – Is there anything I can do?

Florida Statute 1.580 Writ of Possession (a) Issuance. When a judgment or order is for the delivery of possession of real property, the judgment or order shall direct the clerk to issue a writ of possession. The clerk shall issue the writ forthwith and deliver it to the sheriff for execution. After the bank, lender […]

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September 11, 2015

Statute of Limitations – The 5 Year Rule

Most homeowners are aware of the term “statute of limitations” and have heard that if the bank does not foreclose on their property within five years then they get the property free and clear. The courts are still sorting out how to interpret Florida Statute 95.11(2)(c) and relevant case law, which states that a party […]

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September 4, 2015

Borrower Almost Gets Out of Her Mortgage Because of a Lender’s Mistake

Imagine that you’re in dire financial trouble, you can’t pay your mortgage, and you’re trying desperately to defend yourself in a foreclosure case. And then imagine finding out that the bank made a stupid, careless mistake. And because of that mistake, you get to keep your home – with no mortgage. That’s what almost happened […]

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August 25, 2015

Hearsay and Lender’s Evidence In Foreclosure Lawsuits

We’ve all watched courtroom dramas where the defense attorney leaps to his feet and calls out “Objection! Hearsay.” And then the judge bangs his gavel and says “sustained,” or “overruled,” and the trial continues. After watching this, you may have understood that “hearsay” involves repeating something that someone else said. But you may not realize […]

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